Our work is supported by businesses and organisations, charitable trusts, and individuals. We are a registered charity and rely on these different sources of funding to do our work. 


If you’re a business or charitable trust, and would like to discuss supporting CCI, please contact our director Emily Dowdeswell for an exploratory conversation in the first instance.

If you’d like to make a one-off or regular monthly donation, you can support us through our LocalGiving page. You also have the option to add Gift Aid onto your donation, making every £1 you donate worth £1.25 to us at no cost to you.

Alternatively, cheques can be made payable to Cambridge Curiosity and Imagination and posted to
CCI, c/o Raspberry Pi, 37 Hills Rd, Cambridge CB2 1NT.  Please consider completing the Gift Aid form here to return with your cheque.

You can also order printed versions of many of our publications for a small donation.

Every donation, however small, makes a difference.